Change It Up Are you ready for a change in your life? Register for Change it Up - a free 8 week program that will help you achieve your personal and employment goals. Whether you are ready to reenter the workforce, find more fulfilling work or need skills for dealing with personal difficulties or life situations, this is a course for everyone in all ages and stages of adulthood. Text or call Treena at 780-385-1936 or email her at [email protected] to register or find out more. In this course you will:
Envision your future, set personal and professional goals and put a plan in place to achieve them
Learn how to create daily positive habits and how to break unhealthy habits and patterns
Identify your strengths and look for employment opportunities that match your personal skill set
Get help with your resume, job applications, and interview skills
Understand how the brain and emotions work, identify personal triggers and learn self management skills
Learn about the mind-body connection and develop ways to cope with stress
Be part of a fun, safe and supportive small group that will help you change it up
To ensure the class is personalised and effective, only 5 participants will be included in each program. Next course begins September 25, 2024. Call to save your spot. The schedule will be twice a week - location, days and times depending on needs of those who register.